S4 Ep 12: Getting Your Sh*t Together with Cynthia Wright

Clubhouse has revealed itself to be a place where folks (like me) who have difficulty moderating will quickly run into trouble. Luckily, before I weaned myself off, I had the opportunity to meet Cynthia Wright, a self-described "queer writer and military brat" who also hosts the fabulous recovery podcast Getting Your Sh*t Together. Cynthia's pod offers a unique mix of storytelling, interviews, personal development, social commentary, and—of course—recovery tips. We had a great conversation about how podcasting can be a form of therapy, how intersectionality shows up in recovery spaces, and how self-compassion played a pivotal role in her own story. Enjoy! (Music by Ava Luna and Loyalty Freak Music)

S4 Ep 5: The Social Justice Doula with Lutze B. Segu

What conditions are necessary for you to practice the kind of feminism you want to practice? This question is at the heart of today's episode featuring Lutze B. Segu, also known as the Social Justice Doula. Lutze specializes in helping people and organizations create conditions that support deep, sustained social justice work. There's no box-checking on her watch: If you're in Lutze's orbit, you're interrogating white supremacy, un-gentrifying intersectionality, and answering the question, "What do you want your feminism to do?" 

This episode is a call to action and the perfect way to spark your thinking about what you want your feminist practice to look like in 2021. Happy New Year! (Music by Ava Luna and Loyalty Freak Music)

Read the transcript here.

S4 Ep 1: Racism and Recovery with Jessica Hoppe

Recovery spaces are not immune from the “isms” people experience in other spaces. My first guest of Season 4, writer Jessica Hoppe, addressed this topic after she noticed people of color being shut down in meetings for talking about police brutality and the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. The solution, she says, lies in connection and sharing stories *without restrictions* so everyone can bring their full, authentic selves into recovery. Hear her own inspiring story and learn why “the first step to recovery is admitting you are not powerless over your privilege.” 

S3 Ep 13: Confronting the Cash Bail System with Ashley Edwards

Bailout funds have been in the news for weeks now, but how do they fit into the bigger picture of the criminal justice and cash bail systems? Ashley Edwards of MGM Bailout joins Feminist Hotdog this week to talk about the racism inherent in the cash bail system, the predatory lending practices that surround it, how listeners can work to abolish cash bail, and why we must view this as a feminist issue.

S3 Ep 11: Black Lives Matter

This week, Feminist Hotdog is participating in Podcast Blackout out of respect for the memories of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Tony McDade, and in observance of the ongoing fight for racial justice that is happening in cities all across the US. Please listen to today's message. It is short but important.

I am also adding my voice to the Women of Color podcast community's Podcasters for Justice campaign. It is in solidarity with these podcasters that I share this message and commitment.

We are podcasters united to condemn the tragic murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and many many others at the hands of police.

This is a continuation of the systemic racism pervasive in our country since its inception, and we are committed so standing against racism in all its forms.

We believe that to be silent is to be complicit. We believe that Black lives matter.

We believe that we have the responsibility to use our platform to speak out against this injustice whenever and wherever we witness it.

In creating digital media, we have built audiences that return week after week to hear our voices, and we will use our voices to speak against anti-blackness and police brutality, and we encourage our audiences to be educated, engages, and to take action.

Things We Talked About on This Episode

S1. Ep. 8: Home Alone

What happens when you leave Feminist Hotdog all alone with no one to talk to? She starts talking to you! In my first solo show, I share my latest inspiration porn, gush about a new book that seeks to upend white supremacy, and attempt to answer the listener question: Is my bartender racist? (Music by Ava Luna and Loyalty Freak Music.)